Social & Ethics Responsibilities

Environmental Consciousness

IRIS USA is committed to doing what’s right for the environment by adopting and promoting programs that conserve natural resources, eliminate waste, and minimize possible harmful emissions. We are going Green by:

  • Promote recycling of our U.S. manufactured plastic into other usable and high quality products
  • Utilizing GreenCircle Certification system to verify that our IRIS boxes and containers are made of #5 polypropylene components which is a recyclable material throughout the United States as part of our sustainability/recycling program
  • Installing electric-run injection molding machines that use half the electricity of our hydraulic-run machines and also do not require the use of oil to run them.
  • Purchasing copy paper that has been recycled.
  • Installing automatic light sensors that turn off lights when no movement is detected.
  • Turning off of computers and computer monitors each night.

Social Responsibilities

IRIS USA is mindful of the relationship between our Company, employees and society. We recognize that our success depends to a large degree on:

  • Ensuring equal employment opportunity for all qualified applicants and employees regardless of race, color, sex, age, religion, creed, national origin, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity, and other categories protected by applicable law.
  • Improving the lives and lifestyles of our employees by providing them exceptional employment programs and policies, and the tools that enable them to succeed.
  • Treating each employee as an individual with the respect, dignity and consideration due one individual from another.
  • Giving back to the communities in which we operate by supporting local charities and community events.


IRIS USA Code of Conduct

IRIS USA, Inc.'s Code of Conduct policy reflects our commitment to our employees and to the communities in which we live and work. IRIS USA strives to put into place programs that treat employees with dignity and respect, and provide them a safe and environmentally responsible setting in which to work. IRIS USA expects our suppliers to have similar programs in place and to operate in a manner consistent with the standards reflected in this Code of Conduct. IRIS USA may end its relationship with any supplier who fails to meet these expectations, or who doesn’t require the same commitment from a sub-supplier.

Legal Compliance

IRIS USA expects its suppliers to comply with all applicable national, state, and/or local laws and regulations related to such areas as labor, immigration, health and safety, the environment, etc. IRIS USA also expects its suppliers will provide their employees with adequate information and training in relation to all relevant legal, regulatory and internal requirements that apply to their jobs.

Labor Standards

Voluntary Labor – All work must be voluntary. Use of forced, prison or indentured labor is prohibited.

Child Labor – The use of child labor in any stage of manufacturing is prohibited. The term “child” refers to any person employed under the age of 18 (or 16 where the law of the country permits), under the age for completing compulsory education, or under the minimum age for employment in manufacturing in the applicable country, whichever is greater. The use of workplace apprenticeship programs, which comply with all legal regulations, are permitted.

Hiring & Employment Practices – Suppliers must implement hiring practices that ensure equal employment opportunity for all qualified applicants and employees. All employment decisions, such as hiring, promoting, demoting, transferring, establishing working conditions, and terminating must be made in compliance with applicable anti-discrimination laws. Suppliers must establish hiring practices that accurately verify an employee’s age and legal right to work in the country in which the work is to be performed.

Humane Treatment & Non-Discrimination – No employee shall be subject to abuse, cruel or unusual disciplinary practices, or discrimination in employment on the grounds of race, color, religion, creed, national origin, sexual orientation, age, gender, disability, veteran’s or non-veteran’s status, gender identity, and other categories protected by applicable law.

Work Hours -- Employees are not permitted to work more than 14 hours in a day, or more than 60 hours in a week. Employees are not permitted to work more than six consecutive days; every employee must be given at least one day off in every seven days worked. All overtime must be on a voluntary or contractual basis, or otherwise allowed under applicable law. In addition, employees are not permitted to work more hours on a daily or weekly basis than is permitted under applicable national, state, or local law.

Wages & Benefits – Compensation and benefits are to be provided in accordance with all applicable wage and benefit laws. At a minimum, suppliers are encouraged to provide wages and benefits that are sufficient to meet employees’ basic needs and provide some discretionary income.

Health & Safety – Employees must be provided a safe and healthy work environment that is in compliance with national, state, and local laws and regulations.

Dispute Resolution – Suppliers must provide a mechanism that fosters communication between employees and management and allows employees to express complaints and desires without fear of reprisal; that ensures employees’ concerns and problems are recognized and addressed appropriately; and that serves to check managers’ and supervisors’ understanding and implementation of company policies.

Freedom of Association – Employees must have the right to join associations of their own choosing or to refrain from joining them in accordance with applicable laws and without unlawful interference.

Environmental Standards

IRIS USA is committed to complying with federal and local laws at each of its facilities to handle waste and monitor energy consumption in accordance with applicable regulations and aim to continuously recommend ways to further reduce waste and energy consumption to protect the environment. IRIS suppliers must also ensure compliance with federal and local environmental laws, including the handling of all waste and energy in an environmentally-safe way, and recommended procedures to avoid and/or reduce pollution and overall energy consumption. Suppliers are also encouraged to implement internal programs and practices to reduce waste through recycling and reuse of materials and products.


IRIS USA requires a high standard of ethical behavior from all of its employees and expects them to conduct themselves in their dealings with outside parties in a manner that does not reflect negatively on the Company or create a conflict of interest. IRIS USA takes a zero-tolerance approach to bribery and corruption and is committed to acting professionally, fairly and with integrity in all its business dealings and relationships. This includes a prohibition on giving anything of value to government officials to influence their decision-making or to secure any unfair advantages. Accordingly, IRIS USA requires that all transactions between IRIS USA, its employees and outside parties be based on business and competitive factors relating to price, quality, delivery, previous record, etc., and not on favor or preference. Likewise, IRIS USA expects its suppliers to honor these standards and comply with the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and all applicable state and local anti-corruption laws and regulations.


Suppliers must take appropriate action to ensure that the content and understanding of the IRIS USA Code of Conduct and the principles embodied therein are communicated to its employees.


IRIS USA shall have the right, directly or via an independent auditing firm, to conduct periodic on-site visits for the purposes of conducting audits of production operations, payroll and personnel records, and safety, work and environmental practices that might determine compliance or non-compliance with the IRIS USA Code of Conduct. If an on-site inspection reveals non-compliance with the IRIS USA Code of Conduct, action plans must be developed to correct the issues of non-compliance in a manner satisfactory to IRIS USA. If a supplier fails to correct any area of non-compliance, or demonstrates non-compliance of a grave character, IRIS USA maintains the right to immediately terminate the business relationship.


Suppliers shall promptly notify IRIS USA in writing if any failures to comply with the IRIS USA Code of Conduct occur, and if any court or government agency determines that the supplier has violated applicable legal requirements with respect to the above labor, environmental, and ethics standards.